Should poor nations be responsible for their own development? (英検、2012 2_2 政治・国際関係)
資源の例: 石油、石炭、レアメタル
例: 安いバナナや珈琲豆
フェアトレード: 立場の弱い開発途上国に不利な取引をなくそうという国際的な取り組み。
SDGs 目標10.人や国の不平等をなくそう、目標1.貧困をなくそう にも関連する。
The natural resources of Africa are being exploited by developed countries.
The small country was in a weak position in the negotiations with the larger country.
I think that wealthy countries should be responsible for poor countries' development.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.
Firstly, for example, Africa is rich in natural resources such as rare metals, that is why companies from all over the world are expanding there.
However, due to the lack of education, developing countries lack technological skills to utilize such natural resources for their own development.
Historically, many developing countries, including Africa, have been colonized, exploited for their resources, and forced to trade unfairly for the benefit of developed countries.
Therefore, wealthy developed countries should take responsibility for education, infrastructure development, and technological advancement of developing countries.
Secondly, one of the economic problems of developing countries is interest payments on debt.
Developing countries sometimes borrow money for their infrastructure development that is at a low level due to colonization.
However, when developed countries raise interest rates, funds flow to deposits in developed countries because of the better interest rates than the government bonds in developing countries.
Currencies of developing countries are sold and become cheaper, and dollar and euro denominated debt swells.
For example in 2022, Ghana, a South African country defaulted because it could not repay its debts due to interest rate hikes in developed countries.
It is always developing countries that are affected by monetary policies implemented for the convenience of developed countries.
Developed countries should be responsible for these impacts.
In conclusion, wealthy countries should be responsible for poor countries' development because there are many problems that poor developing countries have no control over.
(257 words)